Medication Compliance

Clients struggle with disorganization in their lives as well as their thoughts, a lot of which stems from improper use of medications. The issues vary from client to client, however, most need assistance with promptings, organization and schedule of medication times. Clients often need help with the development of routines, assistance with getting to pharmacology appointments, picking up their medications, or dispensing them in a routine way.

The Pillars team develops a medication management system that will work for the client. Some possible treatment interventions used include: cultivating a routine where the client would organize medications as part of a weekly contact, assist with scheduling refill dates on the calendar, or working with the dispensing pharmacy directly for the client or clinician if a dose has been missed.

At Pillars, we track data relating to medications and collaborate with the client to help define the symptoms and side effects that the client is experiencing. This data can be extremely valuable to the prescribing psychopharmacologist who may only see the client for a brief session once per month.

Proper Sleep Hygiene

According to the National Sleep Foundation 30-40% of adults say they have some symptoms of insomnia. Furthermore, 10-15% of adults have chronic insomnia. This issue affects many people, both with and without persistent mental illness. The high rates of obesity within our society causes increased risk of sleep apnea.

Treatment interventions by our team include working with primary care physicians and psychiatrists to refer clients for sleep studies. For those with CPAP machines, we will encourage regular cleaning and maintenance of the machine. Reminders to keep regular visits with sleep specialist have also proven beneficial. Anxiety, depression and substance abuse can all effect sleep, and will vary considerably from client to client. Our interventions are mindful of this.

The Pillars team develops treatment goals that help cultivate healthy sleep habits. We evaluate and educate clients on lifestyle habits including dietary intake, exercise patterns, routines, and environmental considerations in relation to our sleep patterns. Our bodies crave routine, and by creating routines for the clients we serve, we provide them with a feeling of safety and predictability. The Pillars treatment model helps cultivate healthy routines. This could include tracking sleep/wake patterns, medication dosing times, food/caffeine intake, and exercise times. Sometimes introducing room darkening shades proves beneficial.

Diet + Nutritional Awareness

Many clients suffer from obesity due to their sedentary lifestyles and poor diet. Others are prone to weight gain due to their medication’s side effects. This increases the likelihood of serious medical issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, adult onset diabetes, emphysema and COPD.

Treatment interventions include consultations with specialized nutritionists and registered dietitians who specialize in adults living with mental illness and are fully versed in the adverse side effects that some psychotropic medications can have. Clinical interventions by the Pillars team include developing daily and weekly routines, regular meal planning, grocery shopping with the client to educate them on healthy choices, cooking, and monthly food budgeting.

At Pillars, we believe the pillar of Social and Vocational Connection has the most expansive treatment ramifications. The common thread we see in most of our clients is an interpersonal disconnect- how they relate to their families, roommates, co-workers, and peers. Our team examines, assesses and models proper interpersonal effectiveness. After examining the client’s body language, affect, and communication style, our team is able to use hands on activities and role-playing to help the client improve their interpersonal relationships. This type of modeling is really the bedrock for all experiences with the client.


Numerous studies show the benefits of exercise in treating depression and other psychiatric symptoms. Exercise is also beneficial in warding off diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Treatment interventions by the Pillars team include scheduling consultations with professional personal trainers, and researching suitable gyms or adult recreation leagues for the client’s involvement. Many clients’ lack of organizational skills and accountability prevent them from exercising. Going to the gym or working out with the clinician provides them with accountability and can lay the foundation for cultivating a routine. The structure provided by the personal trainer acts as a springboard for an exercise regimen to begin and continue.

Group exercise classes like yoga, spinning classes, aerobic classes, walking clubs and other meet up groups are examples of activities that combine exercise with social connection that individuals require to lead a healthy, balanced life.

Social + Vocational Connection

Vocational counseling, interpersonal relationships, creativity and recreational activities are all areas included in this pillar. Our team uses counseling and coaching to help the client with vocational struggles such as researching job postings, writing or updating a resume, and helping to manage a volunteer or paid position. A key part of this is the potential for our staff acting as a go between for the client and their employer, to help manage conflict, work difficulties, etc.

The Social and Vocational Connection Pillar encompasses assisting the client with roommate and housing issues. Helping the client to manage conflicts with their families, friends, significant others, and peer relationships at work is a vital part of the treatment plan. Creativity is also part of this pillar, which includes art classes or vocations, music, performing arts and all areas of theatre.

The Pillars team will also use and community-based resources like meetups, community based adult education classes at Massachusetts colleges, other support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, Overeaters Anonymous, and Smart Recovery. We want to bridge services for various Day Programs, Intensive Outpatient Program’s, Step Down Programs and club-house programs.

Spiritual Connection

Our clients may look to spirituality as a support in their life. This could be a relationship with God, Allah, Mohammed, Buddha, Mother Earth, etc. As clinicians we seek to support our clients in their quest by providing resources. This pillar is not for everyone, but for some clients who rely on their spirituality as a support, it can be an invaluable tool for self-discovery and recovery.

Many of our clients use their spirituality as a part of the healing process. Although many clients have supportive families that offer both financial and emotional support, we have seen many clients find tremendous success and growth in their recovery by tapping into spiritual connections. We strongly believe that it takes a village, and spirituality in that village can often bring about great improvements.